While on holiday in Wales four year old Karen Lewis and her mum Cheryl and grandad went into a seaside amusement arcade. While playing the 2p machines an employee of the arcade came over and asked if Karen could take doon her hoodie as it was a matter of security.
Others were allowed to wear baseball and beanie caps but the place had a 'no hoodie' policy as they like to recognise anyone that causes troubles.
Yes an argument did ensue and the words 'common sense' were probably used at the employee but they just had a blank stare because its their job to do and die and not to reason why.
When asked to speak to the manager she found him ever so comforting and well trained in customer care. He told her she was being unreasonable, and making a scene and that her daughter was not going to be emotionally scarred because of the incident.
The manager eventually allowed her to wear her hood but kept an eye on the little thug.
No signs are up about hoodies its just company policy, one of those rules that must be obeyed no ifs or buts. Les Harker the arcade's owner said his son was the managing director but common sense should prevail. In other words his son is a fuck wit but he can't go against him as that would look bad.
Craig the MD and it seems the manager who dealt with the family had told them she could wear her hood if it made her happier and they were entitled to leave if they were still unhappy. What a tosser. They want to make family friendly but they have a don't give a fuck attitude about their family type customers. Craig Harker should not be in the customer service industry.
The little gurl was 4 years old, and had a purple hooded shirt, she liked to put the hood up because 4 year-olds take the fancy to do such things, hardly a threat to security she was playing on the 2p machine with her grandad for fucks sake.
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