A church is to host a Doctor Who-themed communion service aimed at young people with music and clips from the show.
St Paul's Church in Cardiff, was once used as a filming location for the Doctor Who series, an episode called ' Father's day' the youth officer for the Anglican church Father Atkins who wants the kids to call him 'Dean' because hes hip went on to say: "In the series there are lots of references to salvation and the doctor being almost immortal,we are using the figure of Doctor Who as a parable of Christ."
He added: "Christ is a kind of cosmic figure as well if you like, somebody who does not travel through time but all eternity is found in him.
Christ is not so fucking goofy looking, as one of my fellow bloggers SamD described him, 'the new Doctor looks like a Wiggle.' The Doctor only gets killed when he fears typecasting or his contract runs out, Christ got killed by Eyeties in skirts and long nosed money lenders, no aliens in sight. The Doctor has a fondness for young men and weemen not big hairy fishermen.
Whats next? the Arch bishop of Canterbury dressing as Harry fucking Potter and having a rave ? figures of Superman replacing Jesus on the cross? stained glass windows showing Luke Skywalker turning the water into Jesus juice?
To quote Jesus, "The fuckers are all going to burn."
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