In a park area in Inverclyde (Scotland) a member of the public found the body of a newborn baby girl in a bag.
Pathology and forensic tests are being carried out to find cause and time of death.
Not to jump to any conclusions as babies are dumped alive and dead all the time by panicky stupid young sluts with the emotional maturity of a dildo but the baby was probably dumped in this manner.
Still by a mother, are you reading this Sally Field? mothers are not some wise faultless creatures that are above the petty things in life such as hate, revenge and fear, they make mistakes too. Have we got that straight?
Pathology and forensic tests are being carried out to find cause and time of death.
Not to jump to any conclusions as babies are dumped alive and dead all the time by panicky stupid young sluts with the emotional maturity of a dildo but the baby was probably dumped in this manner.
Still by a mother, are you reading this Sally Field? mothers are not some wise faultless creatures that are above the petty things in life such as hate, revenge and fear, they make mistakes too. Have we got that straight?
About 60 babies are abandoned by their mums every year in the UK, and the figures are rising. Britain has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe though teens are not the ones that abandon their babies any more than the others.
I know that pro choice people will applaud abandoned babies left to die in the rubbish, me I don't like fit healthy babies getting killed, weemen's choice my arse it must be nice not having to pay the piper, the wee baby does instead. Don't have sex unless yer ready to have children.
In the Uk, adoption is the only legal option and thats after a lot of counseling . Other parts of Europe have baby hatches in hospitals that you can leave babies in safety hell even England had them until the 1880's. America has safe haven laws that you can give yer baby to a hospital within 72 hours of giving birth.
I don't know the whole story here yet but we need laws in the UK to save these babies, remember "Baby Callum" who in 1998 had been dumped in a bin-bag, he was only a few hours old when abandoned and died of asphyxiation?
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