In 1971 Dr Judah Folkman published an article stating that all cancer tumors were angiogenesis-dependent.
That means the cancer tumors gives out a substance which grows new blood vessels and draws them toward it so it can feed off them like plant roots heading towards water.
He was disregarded by most experts but still he kept on. His work developed compounds, such as angiostatin, endostatin and vasculostatin, which have successfully halted the growth of tumors in laboratory mice and has advanced cancer research by leaps and bounds. He has also reversed blindness caused by macular degeneration with the drugs he has discovered.
He wrote some 400 papers and more than 100 book chapters and monographs. He received scores of United States awards and honors for his distinguished research, as well as numerous international awards, including Canada's Gairdner Foundation International Award, Israel's Wolf Foundation Prize in Medicine, Germany's Ernst Schering Prize, the Italian Association of Cancer Research in Rome's Gold Medal, the United Kingdom Society for Endocrinology's Dale Medal, and Switzerland's Dr. Josef Steiner Cancer Research Award. In 2006, Folkman was one of seven people appointed by President Bush to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Institutes of Health.
He was in short a miracle worker, a pioneer but was ever such a modest fellow who taught patient care with compassion. On a way to a convention this year in January his heart stopped and he died aged 74. The amount of useless cunts that go on to live longer lives and this fella who could have and has cured cancer died.
Does God have a plan? was his work done? all I know is that if I get up to the pearly gates I'm going to say to God, "you've got some explaining to do" and his answer had better be a good one.
Why all the rape and suffering? yeah yeah free choice my arse God should know that many people are cunts by now. Its like Superman watching a pedo with a child and saying its not my problem.
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