Thursday 24 January 2008

Twice As Much Rape

I was thinking about the troubles in Northern Ireland and the fact now that the place is supposed to be at peace. Well as much at peace as that trouble making bigot hole can be.

I noticed there has been a big increase in crime, crime we didn't normally see before when there were bombs and shootings happening. You might think that the terrorists are bored and need to make trouble but I also noticed it wasn't 40 year-old men but rather 18 year-olds.

There has been a 50% increase in rapes over the last 6 years.
There were more than 450 reported or attempted rapes last year.
The highest figure was in Foyle where 40 assaults were reported last year, whilst 39 incidents were reported in south Belfast.

Did the various paramilitary keep people more in line? were the feared RUC better then the watered doon Police Service of Northern Ireland?
That's just rapes other crimes have increased too and for a place at peace there seems to be a lot of 3am sectarian petrol bomb attacks on hooses.

During the Troubles that lasted over 30 years you hardly ever heard about a rape, sure it probably happened but now you hear about it every other week. What is happening?

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