Wednesday 23 January 2008

See Ya Later Mate

Everyone should know by now that the actor Heath Ledger is dead. At the moment its thought to be an overdose of prescription drugs which is a fucking stupid way to go especially if its accidental. I like Australians in general and Ledger seemed like a nice lad. Twitchy and nervous during interviews and on the red carpet and a bloke that seemed to be genuine. He refused to work rather than be stuck doing teen flicks all the time and took on interesting if not unconventional roles.
Uncomfortable in the skin of a movie star and more of the "I'm an actor" type who loves their craft with a passion that it consumes them. Not the best and not the worse it didn't look as if he put that much thought into it maybe that's the trick.
He became his characters a little bit too much and it took a toll, then theres the jet setting. He had just been in London on Saturday so no doubt had jet lag then combined with depression, stress and whatever he took the pills by accident or to numb the pain and died Tuesday afternoon in New York.

Why him? why not some arsehole like Colin Farrell or Mickey Rouke ? its a waste, a shame I just hope he rests in peace and his family stay strong. Australia not too long ago lost Steve Irwin who seemed like another nice bloke, its a harsh world for white blonde dudes.

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