In July, Miss Christine Lakinski aged 50 was making her way home with a box of laminate flooring when she fell ill and stumbled into the doorway of her home.
Miss Lakinski suffered from a number of medical conditions and had faced immense challenges throughout her life but yet still had managed to "forge an independent life for herself", said her family in a statement.
So there she was lying there collapsed when Anthony Anderson aged 27 a former soldier spotted her. He had smoked a cannabis joint and been drinking with a couple of friends nearby celebrating his birthday.
So what did our hero do? after kicking the soles of her feet he threw a bucket of water over her to wake her which didn't work so then he pissed on her shouting, "this is YouTube material" and then he covered her in shaving foam. I've done at least 3 first aid courses but that was a few years back, maybe procedures for an unconscious person have changed since then.
A crowd of people gathered round, watched and laughed while it was caught on mobile phone for his YouTube debut.
When medical help arrived Miss lankinski was declared dead at the scene, the cause of death was pancreatic failure.
For violating this woman in such a sick and disgusting manner as she lay there dying Anderson was sentenced to 3 years.
I don't know how anyone could do that or how anyone could stand and watch it as entertainment, it happened in Hartlepool, what can you expect of a bunch of fucking monkey hangers?
Miss Lankinski wasn't young or even pretty but she was an amazing person who while being dealt a shitty hand health wise didn't let it stop her, it was her undoing in the end as that box for a DIY floor job would have gotten heavier and heavier as she walked but she lived life on her terms and deserved to die with respect, just think of the terror she would have felt if she was aware of those sadistic gawkers laughing at her all helpless being abused and as she started to die all alone without an ounce of comfort.
Mr Anderson, you are a disgrace to yer nation nay humanity, it reminds me of this expression, "some people are only alive because its illegal to shoot them." I really do hope you get all that you deserve, you get to join my Wankers gallery.
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