I'm don't care what an icon this picture is or how meaningful it was for a couple of weeks after 9/11 when everyone became convenient patriots. It just shows you that when there is something to be done there is always some cunt standing to the side with his hands on his hips telling you how to do it.
I swear, tis true. Here in the states, up and down the Eastern Seaboard, every State and County work crew consists of one poor bastard, digging in a hole while at least one stands and watches. The sad truth of the matter, quite seriously is far too many people work hard at getting out of work and looking as if they are working. Up until recently, I worked in Supervisory roles, since my late 20's (just last week, of course)and I would call them on their shit, oh yes, I can spot a muffer a mile away. You won't work hard at looking busy around me, not when I'm working hard myself. bastards, the lot of 'em! How'd I get on that rant, Da?
Iechyd da Knudsen, and way too often there is some other cunt near by with a camera.
Bwuahhahahhaa - damn right!
This gesture is absolutely indecent in a lot of cultures.
I hate it.
dai bless you. Yes and some cunt with a blog.
mago I get them telling me how they want my posts made out.
I swear, tis true. Here in the states, up and down the Eastern Seaboard, every State and County work crew consists of one poor bastard, digging in a hole while at least one stands and watches. The sad truth of the matter, quite seriously is far too many people work hard at getting out of work and looking as if they are working. Up until recently, I worked in Supervisory roles, since my late 20's (just last week, of course)and I would call them on their shit, oh yes, I can spot a muffer a mile away. You won't work hard at looking busy around me, not when I'm working hard myself. bastards, the lot of 'em! How'd I get on that rant, Da?
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