An 18-year-old man walked into a school in Finland and killed five boys, two girls and the female principal of Jokela High School . 10 others were injured.
Pekka-Eric Auvinen who had been educated at the school had bought a Semi-automatic .22 Sig Sauer Mosquito pistol only last month , he named it Catherine.
Under the username Sturmgeist89, he posted a YouTube and called himself a "social Darwinist" who would "eliminate all who I see unfit". "Sturmgeist" means storm spirit in German.
He shot himself in the head when told to surrender by police and died later on.
Finland Facts
5.2 million population
World's third highest gun ownership
56 guns per 100 people
Low rate of gun violence
Guns used in 14% of homicides
Nothing ever happens in Finland for fucks sake. What a stupid sick in the head boy and nothing more. I believe in external evil that can grip you if you let it and once it is done with you it moves on to the next pleb.
I never understood dickheads that buy .22 caliber weapons with the intention to kill, sure you can kill with them if you get lucky or use enough bullets but really they are only for targets and rodents, you'd think they would buy bigger but what does a military trained professional know that a dumb angry virgin teenage boy doesn't? he had on him 500 cartridges and so far 69 cartridge cases have been found, each dead body had been shot numerous times.
He bragged something about "his thing / his case" he would fight for. As I see it there was none.
He was stupid and insane, he ruined many lives.
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