It bugs the fuck out of me when people call Bush or Blair war criminals and go on like they are out to set up Saddams and Talibans instead of trying to rectify that problem caused by other admins and to also set up democratically elected governments.

These same morons wear Che Guevara and talk about freedom fighting and liberation against oppressive regimes, the same people who think the IRA are freedom fighters and not cowardly murderers who go against the majority of the people's wishes, well news flash, the commies are the bad guys, Fidel has jails full of anyone who speaks out against him also homosexuals, AIDS patients, Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but the healthcare system is great so who cares? In Venezuela busts of Guevara get beheaded because they don't like the way that Hugo Chavez is Fidel's butt monkey. The real world people stop watching the BBC or other leftie crap.

Guevara was known as the Butcher of the Cabana for his execution of over 150 political prisoners (only 1 in 17 were political) he was Fidel's chief executioner either giving the order or doing it himself killing over 4000 people for his communist cause, he was a brave man when it came to killing 14 year olds but not so big when he was captured in Bolivia, begging for his life.
A cold blooded psychopathic serial killer who was executed in Bolivia while wearing a Rolex watch, says a lot for his ideals now doesn't it?
"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall! (El Paredón)" --Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
Pick yer heroes by historical fact, not romanticised, sanitised fiction or a cool t-shirt.
So A Heinrich Himmler t-shirt is better?
I want a Mago T-shirt.
Hmmm .... good choice. Good man. Brave. One notch up ...
Your view of Che is subjective to say the least and very ill-informed. He is perceived as a hero by millions within the regions of his influence and you are simply a product of decades of propaganda. Che may not have been a non-violent pacifist like the great Martin Luther King Jr. or Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi but his motivations were noble. "An inspiration for every human being who loves freedom" Nelson Mandela,
"Not only an intellectual but also the most complete human being of our age." Jean-Paul Sartre
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